verb (used with object), accumulated, accumulating.
1.to gather or collect, often in gradual degrees; heap up:
to accumulate wealth.
verb (used without object), accumulated, accumulating.
2.to gather into a heap, mass, cover, etc.; form a steadily increasing quantity:
Snow accumulated in the driveway. His debts kept on accumulating.
1.without anxiety or worry.
2.requiring little care :
carefree fabrics.
1.pertaining to or suffering from claustrophobia.
2.tending to induce claustrophobia :
a small, airless, claustrophobic room.
verb (used with object)
1.to interrupt the quiet, rest, peace, or order of; unsettle.
2.to interfere with; interrupt; hinder:
Please do not disturb me when I'm working.
3.to interfere with the arrangement, order, or harmony of; disarrange:
to disturb the papers on her desk.
4.to perplex; trouble:
to be disturbed by strange behavior.
verb (used with object), withdrew, withdrawn, withdrawing.
1.to draw back, away, or aside; take back; remove:
She withdrew her hand from his. He withdrew his savings from the bank.
2.to retract or recall:
to withdraw an untrue charge.
3.to cause (a person) to undergo withdrawal from addiction to a substance.
1.an act or instance of isolating.
2.the state of being isolated.
3.the complete separation from others of a person suffering from contagious or infectious disease; quarantine.
4.the separation of a nation from other nations by isolationism.
5.Psychoanalysis. a process whereby an idea or memory is divested of its emotional component.
6.Sociology, social isolation.Leisure
1.freedom from the demands of work or duty:
She looked forward to retirement and a life of leisure.
2.time free from the demands of work or duty, when one can rest, enjoy hobbies or sports, etc.:
Most evenings he had the leisure in which to follow his interests.
3.unhurried ease:
a work written with leisure and grace.
4.free or unoccupied:
leisure hours.
5.having leisure:
the leisure class.
6.(of clothing) suitable to or adapted for wear during leisure; casual:
a leisure jacket.
7.designed or intended for recreational use:
leisure products like bowling balls and video games.
verb (used with object), swept, sweeping.
1.to move or remove (dust, dirt, etc.) with or as if with a broom, brush, or the like.
2.to clear or clean (a floor, room, chimney, etc.) of dirt, litter, or the like, by means of a broom or brush.
3.to drive or carry by some steady force, as of a wind or wave:
The wind swept the snow into drifts.
4.to pass or draw (something) over a surface with a continuous stroke or movement:
The painter swept a brush over his canvas.
1.the visual and especially tactile quality of a surface:
rough texture.
2.the characteristic structure of the interwoven or intertwined threads, strands, or the like, that make up a textile fabric:
coarse texture.
3.the characteristic physical structure given to a material, an object, etc., by the size, shape, arrangement, and proportions of its parts:
soil of a sandy texture; a cake with a heavy texture.
4.an essential or characteristic quality; essence.
verb (used with object), diagnosed, diagnosing.
1.to determine the identity of (a disease, illness, etc.) by a medical examination:
The doctor diagnosed the illness as influenza.
2.to ascertain the cause or nature of (a disorder, malfunction, problem, etc.) from the symptoms:
The mechanic diagnosed the trouble that caused the engine knock.
3.to classify or determine on the basis of scientific examination.verb (used without object), diagnosed, diagnosing.
4.to make a diagnosis.