莎莎的oral presentation要甚麼?
- 要交代目錄(包括要報告的組員的名字, 標題, 單元)
- .English only(包括ppt.口頭報告
- 可以提一下prefix suffix
- No Chinese in the report/ppt
- 3W(what is that? what is that for ? why should we care)
- Main idea of each paragraphs.How they connected each other.
- 五段論證法
- 講頁數的時候要說:please turn to page...line.....
- 冒號後面要空一格
- 字型要Times New Roman
- That's all for my part,I will leave the rest for my partner.
- 不要太多冗字,盡量簡化
- 行距要注意
- 所有符號後要空一格
- 動詞要注意+s,ed
- 字體在28-36
- please look at the page 87
- 不要出現< >
- 最後一頁要thanks for listening.
comprehensive niversity:綜合大學
go mingle:廝混在一起
A place, amenity, or piece of equipment provided for a particular purpose:cooking facilitiesfacilities for car parkinga manufacturing facility
A special feature of a service or machine, which offers the opportunity to do or benefit from something:an overdraft facility
1.a representation or image of something on a small or reduced scale.
2.a greatly reduced or abridged form or copy.
3.a very small painting, especially a portrait, on ivory, vellum, or the like.
4.the art of executing such a painting.
5.an illumination in an illuminated manuscript or book.
6.being, on, or represented on a small scale; reduced.
1.a case in a court of law involving a claim, complaint, etc., by one party against another; suit at law.
verb (used with object), bred, breeding.
1.to produce (offspring); procreate; engender.
2.to produce by mating; propagate sexually; reproduce:
Ten mice were bred in the laboratory.
to cause to reproduce by controlled pollination.
to improve by controlled pollination and selection.
4.to raise (cattle, sheep, etc.):
He breeds longhorns on the ranch.
5.to cause or be the source of; engender; give rise to:
Dirt breeds disease. Stagnant water breeds mosquitoes.
6.to develop by training or education; bring up; rear:
He was born and bred a gentleman.
7.Energy. to produce more fissile nuclear fuel than is consumed in a reactor.
verb (used with object), tapped, tapping.
1.to strike with a light but audible blow or blows; hit with repeated, slight blows:
He tapped the door twice.
2.to make, put, etc., by tapping :
to tap a nail into a wall.
3.to strike (the fingers, a foot, a pencil, etc.) upon or against something, especially with repeated light blows:
Stop tapping your feet!
4.Basketball. to strike (a ball in the air) in the direction of a teammate or of the basket.
5.to enter information or produce copy by tapping on a keyboard:
to tap data into a computer; to tap out a magazine article.
6.to add a thickness of leather to the sole or heel of (a boot or shoe), as in repairing.
1.only just; scarcely; no more than; almost not:
He had barely enough money to pay for the car.
2.without disguise or concealment; openly:
They gave the facts to him barely.
3.scantily; meagerly; sparsely.
4.Archaic. merely.