
今日主講:sample essay解說+詩文導讀

1.The Carpe Diem poem: Andrew Marvell’sTo His Coy Mistress” (p. 739)

Carpe Diem poem

A more literal translation of "carpe diem" would thus be "pluck the day [as it is ripe]"—i.e., enjoy the moment. In western education the tag is now often rendered as "take advantage of the opportunities arising in the day."

"To His Coy Mistress"

"To His Coy Mistress" is a metaphysical poem written by the English author and politician Andrew Marvell (1621–1678) either during or just before the Interregnum.

This poem is considered one of Marvell's finest and is possibly the best recognized carpe diem poem in English. Although the date of its composition is not known, it may have been written in the early 1650s. At that time, Marvell was serving as a tutor to the daughter of the retired commander of the New Model Army, Sir Thomas Fairfax.



2.Setting: Matthew Arnold - “Dover Beach” (p. 740)

"Dover Beach" is a short lyric poem by the English poet Matthew Arnold. It was first published in 1867 in the collection New Poems, but surviving notes indicate its composition may have begun as early as 1849. The most likely date is 1851.

The title, locale and subject of the poem's descriptive opening lines is the shore of the English ferry port of Dover, Kent, facing Calais, France, at the Strait of Dover, the narrowest part (21 miles) of the English Channel, where Arnold honeymooned in 1851.


3.Ars Poetica

Ars Poetica, or "The Art of Poetry," is a poem written by Horace c. 19 BCE, in which he advises poets on the art of writing poetry and drama. The Ars Poetica has "exercised a great influence in later ages on European literature, notably on French drama..." and has inspired poets and writers through the ages.


4.three genres of poetry

1)narrative poetry

2)lyrical poetry

3)the dramatic monologue

 th (11)  








上課補充內容:《大學生知道了沒》奚永慧教授-大學生常犯的許多英文錯誤用法 +老師上課補充寫作字詞用法

1.台灣大學外文系 奚永慧教授-勇敢走自己的路


  • 「英文想學好,還是免不了要背,但不是亂背一通,而是要背對東西。」

  • 很多考生一緊張拿起筆就亂寫,是不妥當的。寫作時,根據大綱,盡量用有把握的字和句型。寫完後,一定預留時間做檢查,特別注意拼字、動詞、連接詞、第三人稱單數、時態等常見錯誤。尤其是簡單的字不要拼錯,基本的文法錯誤要盡量避免。
  • 當時大一只需要寫一小段的英文作文就可以交差了事,奚教授卻硬是常常花上六、七個小時,從構思到用字,把漢英字典查完,再查英漢字典,再查英英字典,反覆推敲用字遣詞和句型結構,往往禮拜天一整天都在寫作業,寫完時,也全背起來了。 

  • 課業優先,社團和愛情抱持著學習的心態,相輔相成,內外兼冶,一定會有更美的未來。



  • 改考卷的人: grader  


  • please e-mail me to furnish your revised information. Let me have the correct address first, I will grade you by the end of the semester.

      furnish可當give用(常在家具店看到)→It is a furnished apartment./ by   表示"在...的時候"

  • A report/respnd paper on...在...方面


  • liquid paper 立可白

         th (10)  


  • be-存在

       human beings/ to be nor not to be, that is the question.

      th (12)  

  • paraphrase: to retell te story 


  •  I got cold feetto suddenly become nervous about doing sth that you had palnned to do 


  • Now you're talking!”你現在才知道!或是你說對了!”



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